The Provider Lounge:
A Community to Build Resilience
A community of like-minded medical professionals that want to focus on building resilience in their patients and themselves.
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Be the first to know when registration reopens for The Provider Lounge membership.
You've come to the right place
If you’re looking for a place to find purpose, create meaning, and respond with practical tools that build buffering forces for whatever our patients face, this is the community for you! Here, we will create a village of support. Then, we’ll nourish each other with resources and guidance. Only then can we help the patients we care about deeply.
Houston, we have a problem…
Ok, so you have realized there’s work to be done to address trauma and adversity in your patients. You may have watched the Ted Talks on ACEs and been to conferences on trauma-informed care. You understand the need to address this in your practice. But how? Then what? What do you do after you’ve screened, asked all the questions and potentially opened that can of worms? You have to be able to respond compassionately without feeling overwhelmed with questions like:
- Now what? I’m not a therapist!
- What happens if I’m in the exam room for the next hour?
- What if this conversation triggers my patient? Or me?
After all, who has time to figure all of this out?

“I was at the point in my practice, after 15 years, where I realized I would never get any better at taking care of asthma, or treating an ear infection. And then, for the first time in a long time, I realized that I was going to be a better pediatrician because of this training and the resilience-building discussions I was having with patients and families.”
Erika Meyer, MD
Often, after coming to a conference of mine, attending a keynote, or beginning this work of building resilience, providers bring up two barriers: TIME AND PRACTICE IMPLEMENTATION.
Well, welcome to The Provider Lounge. This is the space where we make time and practice implementing, together. After all, we all need a village and a community of like-minded peers. We need a space where we can bring vulnerable questions and get practical answers and tangible guidance.
First and foremost, The Provider Lounge is a place to show up, just as you are, and be part of a village of healers. Feel heard, be held, share stories, and begin to heal as you unlearn some aspects of practicing medicine and relearn ways to shift towards healing yourself and helping others.
Then, we create hope and build resilience through learning practical buffering tools to mitigate trauma and adversity that our patients face. In this space, you’ll feel less burned out and overwhelmed as you dig into more purposeful work. This truly is: The Most Important Medicine! And this is a space where we build connections through relational health. For ourselves first, and then for our patients. Only then can you help others. And, you’ll always have this village to return to.

"Thank you, Amy! The work you are doing is absolutely what our world needs. It’s MAGICAL."
Medical Provider, Fall Retreat
So, how will all of this work?
The Provider Lounge will meet monthly at lunch time virtually. We’ll gather, answer questions, and provide resources. We will sit in community and address ways to build resilience in ourselves and in our patients. I’ll be your guide and provide support based on years of trauma-informed research as well as experience as a behavioral health consultant in primary care. Just as important, you’ll learn from each other! We have incredible shared expertise!
In addition to monthly meetings - which, of course, will be recorded because I know you’re busy - there will be an incredible library of resources:

Monthly Meetings
A monthly virtual collaborative meeting at lunch to learn and connect

Resource PDF's
Download PDF's with scripts around building resilience

Provider Videos
Watch videos showing resilience-building tools

Videos for Parents
Show videos to parents to watch and learn

Cards for Connection
A resource to teach the most important factors that build resilience
How much does this cost?
Great question. It seems invaluable because it’s answering the question - Now what? - when it comes to how we address trauma, stress and adversity for our patients. But, we have to start somewhere. The price that we think best represents the value of ALL THE THINGS listed above PLUS monthly meetings to gather is $97/month.
But, our founding-member price will be $67/month. If you invest now, that will be your member rate for a lifetime. Yep, for as long as you have the membership. My guess is that this price will increase over time —resources will be built, the library will grow, and the content will continue to be created. But, if you invest now you’ll stay at the founding member price!
I can’t wait to see you in The Provider Lounge!
The Provider Lounge:
A Community to Build Resilience
A community of like-minded medical professionals that want to focus on building resilience in their patients and themselves.
Join Our Waitlist
Be the first to know when registration reopens to join The Provider Lounge membership!